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Cancer Info


RETINOBLASTOMA is cancer in the back of the eyes (pupil), seen in children especially less than four years of age.

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The SARCOMAS are a group of tumors that develop in bone or soft tissue (muscles, tendons, and connective tissue). Connective tissue is a broad term that includes bone, cartilage, fat, vascular or hematopoietic tissues and sarcomas can arise in any of these types of tissues. As a result, there are many subtypes of sarcoma, which are classified based on the specific tissue and type of cell from which the tumor originates.

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Wilms Tumor

WILMS’ TUMOR is a common kidney (renal) tumour seen in children around 2 years of age, but can occur anytime below 5 years of age. However, it rarely occurs in older age groups. It can develop in a healthy child and in about 10% can be associated with syndrome where some other physical signs are present to give hint of it.

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NEUROBLASTOMA arises from the sympathetic nervous system: in the adrenal gland and sympathetic nervous system anywhere from neck to pelvic cavity. It is commonly diagnosed at around 20 months of age and mostly occurs below 5 years of age. This tumor has a variable clinical course from benign to malignant counterpart where outcomes are dismal

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Hepatoblastoma is commonest type of liver tumour seen in children. It is malignant (cancerous) tumour occurring in infants and children.

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Solid Tumor

SOLID TUMOR are when any of the cells in the body start multiplying rapidly, over a period of time, they form a solid mass or a lump. These solid masses/tumors/lumps can develop anywhere in the body – organs, bones, or tissue. These can either increase in size only (benign) or grow into nearby organs, nerves or blood vessels and also spread to other parts of the body (malignant or cancerous) like lungs, liver and bone.

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